August Favorites

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Hey cuties 🙂

August was quite a month for me between moving around and the massive heat waves. Nonetheless, here are some of my favorites that I loved and used the most this month.

  1. Ice Roller – this thing is SO good for when your face or eyes are puffy or even just for a nice cool feeling in the morning. I use mine every single day (hot, sticky August, NEED)
  2. The Daily Stoic – this book has one page for every day of the year and it takes two minutes to read. I love it because it helps shine a more calm and positive perspective to help me tackle the day. (also part of my August Reads round up)
  3. Olly Bedtime Beauty – I’ve never used melatonin before but lately, stress and anxiety are winning the battle against my sleep. This is perfect for me and also includes other vitamins to help hydrate your skin and support a glowing complexion.
  4. Olly Probiotic/Prebiotic – I’ve been using these vitamins for months and use them to help aid in my digestion health. Nothing makes me happier than a happy gut 💩
  5. Nécessaire Body Lotion – Love how this one absorbs on the skin and it just feels so silky and smooth. The fragrance component just feels calming – a nice to have for sure but, a fav.
  6. Evo Fabuloso – Blondies! This one is for you! I found a new toning shampoo that doesn’t kill my hair and tones it the best icy color I can find outside of the salon.
  7. Summer Fridays Lip Butter – Ok, I know everyone is hyping this up right now but, promise it’s worth it. It’s buttery, goopy, hydrating, and smells so good. A FAV.
  8. Milk Frother – I literally use this multiple times per day, every single day. Anything that needs mixing, frother to the rescue. Cannot live without this one.
  9. Genius Matcha – Sometimes when I need to sub-out coffee and take a break, this matcha helps control my caffeine craving & with a little honey – delish!


Enjoy xoxo

My product selections are curated by me based on what I’ve used and my personal experiences. If you buy something through my links, I may earn an affiliate commission, at no cost to you. I would only recommend a product that I genuinely love.
